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Herberer's Roller Guard

Patent US266034

Invention Razor

Filed Tuesday, 15th August 1882

Published Tuesday, 17th October 1882

Inventor Edward Herberer

Language English

CPC Classification:   
  • B26B21/16
    Safety razors with one or more blades arranged transversely to the handle involving blades with only one cutting edge
  • B
    Performing Operations; Transporting
  • B26
    Hand Cutting Tools; Cutting; Severing
  • B26B
    Hand-Held Cutting Tools Not Otherwise Provided For
  • B26B21/00
    Razors of the open or knife type; Safety razors or other shaving implements of the planing type; Hair-trimming devices involving a razor-blade; Equipment therefor
  • B26B21/08
    Razors of the open or knife type; Safety razors or other shaving implements of the planing type; Hair-trimming devices involving a razor-blade; Equipment therefor involving changeable blades
  • B26B21/14
    Safety razors with one or more blades arranged transversely to the handle

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A PDF version of the original patent can be found here.

United States Patent Office.

Edward Herberer, of St. Louis, Missouri. Razor.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 266,034, dated October 17, 1882. Application filed August 15, 1882. (No model.)

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, Edward Heberer, of St. Louis, Missouri, have made a new and useful Improvement in Razors, of which the following is a full, clear, and exact description, reference being had to the annexed drawings, making part of this specification, in which—

Figure 1 is a view in perspective of the improved razor; Fig. 2, a section taken on the line 2 2 of Fig. 3, and Fig. 3 a section taken on the line 3 3 of Fig. 2.

The same letters denote the same parts.

The present invention is an improvement in that class of razors wherein the razor-blade is held in use in a frame, and from which the blade is removed when it is desired to sharpen it.

The improvement relates to the peculiar means employed in adjusting and clamping the blade, and for enabling the blade to be drawn readily and safely over the surface being shaved.

A represents the frame of the device. It consists of a base or cross-plate, a, and two uprights, a′ a′, which extend upward from the plate a.

B represents the razor-blade. In use it is inserted in grooves a2 a2 in the uprights a′ a′, and, after being suitably adjusted, is clamped in the frame by means of the set-screw C, which is held and works in the plate a. By causing the point of the screw to bear against the under side of the blade the latter is forced against the shoulders on the upper side of the grooves.

D D′ represent two rollers. They are journaled in the uprights a′ a′, one, D, above and the other, D′,below the blade. The rollers project slightly from the uprights a′ a′, and they and the blade are relatively held in the uprights a′ a′, so that the blade is inclined to the plane in which the rolls are arranged. The blade, in adjusting it, is set so that its edge projects slightly beyond the rolls, as seen more distinctly in Fig. 2. The rollers facilitate the use of the razor, and also act as a guard to prevent injury to the part being shaved. In sharpening the blade the screw C is loosened and the blade removed from the frame A and inserted in a suitable holder, which is not here shown, as its special construction is inconsequential to my present purpose.

I claim—

The herein-described razor, the same consisting of the frame A, the blade B, the screw C, and the rollers D D′, combined and operated substantially as described.

Edward Heberer.


C. D. Moody,

Maggie Heberer.